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Open Space Commission Minutes 12/14/2018
Open Space Commission
14 December 2018

Members Present: Co-Chair Amanda Blair, Co-Chair Bill Dunbar, Secretary Peter Cable, Evan Griswold, Greg Futoma, Gary Gregory and Bruce Baratz
Members Absent: N/A
Guests: Land Steward Peter Norris


Co-Chair Bill Dunbar called the meeting to order at 9:03 am

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Bill Dunbar to approve November minutes.

Gary Gregory made a correction to the November minutes; motion to adjourn was not made by Gary; motion was made by Peter Cable.

New Business

  • Bylaws Modification
  • Greg Futoma added a revision to bylaws to include option for two Co-Chairs. Also, removed meeting start time. Motion by Evan to approve modification. Seconded by Gary. All in favor.
  • Trail maintenance & safety report
Gary Gregory proposed creating a guideline for trail maintenance. Evan mentioned this is limited until the town comes up with a policy regarding motorized equipment and the liability. Guidelines should include number of required markers, width of trail to clear, etc. Amanda Blair mentioned it should be clear what the Land Steward and town responsibilities are. Evan will contact CT Forest & Park to possibly attend a meeting as a guest and provide a copy of their guidelines for reference; this could also create an opportunity to host a discussion open to the public and to generate volunteers. Discussed philosophy of maintaining the trails and where the OLOSC would like to be on the spectrum for maintenance. Gary Gregory stated a plan needs to be in place; available to police and fire in the event of an emergency. Also discussed kiosk information and the inclusion of suggestions for hikers (fully charged cell phone, water, etc.) Amanda also mentioned Old Lyme  Land Trust might be available to cosponsor an evening meeting in the Spring to discuss trail maintenance (open to the public).

  • FY19 budget
  • Amanda Blair discussed carrying the previous year budget forward for the upcoming year. The category Open Space/Open Space will be broken down in terms of legal services, etc. Increased contracted services by $5,000.
  • Evan explained Forest Management Plans. Plans made by Foresters were paid for by Logging Contracts. Possibility of state and federal money through the US fire services to also pay for commission. Discussed funds received from loggers; Evan stated new property should have a bid for a logger; Forester can make a recommendation. Will require approval from town and Open Space Commission.
Gary Gregory mentioned Wilcox Tree Services and possible training opportunities. Peter Norris has contacted Wilcox regarding trees that need to be removed; Bill Dunbar to follow up regarding removal. Amanda suggested asking Wilcox to contact OLOSC when a job is completed in order to add the information to commission notes. Funding for possible training classes can be included in the OLOSC budget however, this is still pending confirmation from the town regarding a Town Policy on the use of Chainsaws and other motorized equipment.

  • Land Steward report & discussion
  • Discussed the availability and access to supplies for trails and kiosks. Moving forward, OLOSC members will be able to pick up maps and supplies at the Town Hall. Amanda will check with Cathy Frank regarding access and Peter Norris will keep all supplies in the storage room; including map copies and markers.
Other Business

  • Website update w/ drone discussion
  • Greg distributed two proposed changes to the website – draft page on drones and page on wildlife. Drone is ‘neutral’ and explains best practices to use while flying drones. Drone page needs to be discussed and voted on. Evan suggested drone usage for research only and requires approval. Greg mentioned it may need to be discussed with the town and possible lawyer included. Does OLOSC have the authority to prohibit? Needs to be researched and discussed at greater length; no decision made regarding the drone page. Greg also distributed a notice regarding coyotes. Gary mentioned it should be on the website and on the trails. Will make copies and laminate. Greg also mentioned he needs the original trail software from Lisa (prior land steward) and will follow up regarding what kind of software she uses.

  • Beaver mitigation plan update
  • OLOSC needs to vote to approve $125 expense to cover Mike Callahan (beaver consultant) consultation fee for review of the Whippoorwill Road blocked culvert. Town will pay for the mitigation. Evan mentioned, if the beavers are on preserved land and it isn’t creating any harm they should be left alone.  
Voted to authorize $125 to Selectman and town of Old Lyme for Mike Callahan on Whippoorwill Road culvert under maintenance. Seconded by Bruce. $125 matched by Old Lyme Land Trust for total $250. All in favor.

Discussed regional meeting. Gary displayed the map of Land Trust and Open Space – needs to be updated by mid-December and prior to being added to the regional map. OLOSC needs to look at names via Assessors Office and deeds to confirm accurate name of the Open Space. Gary to check names.

  • Assignments
  • Evan and Gary will form a committee to create maintenance and safety guidelines; Greg distributed a draft outline of the guidelines. Will also research signs and create a list of what is needed and research pricing. “Trail closed” signs need to be up where water is blocking trails. Will also work on kiosk information (coyote sign, tick information, maps, environmental recommendations, volunteers, and contact information on maps). Bill also mentioned adding “walk at your own risk.” Kiosk information to be kept simple but direct with the information.
Bill Dunbar discussed an update on Eklund pond and the phragmite cutting from 2015, they are currently creeping up on Open Space area. Malcolm Hill (Snowy Eagle) contacted Bill; the town paid for the cutting three years ago. Amanda requested a copy of the report, Bill will follow up for the report. The phragmite need to be cut back so they get discouraged and will not grow/dries the marsh out. Bill will follow up with DEEP regarding their policy and provide a report for the next meeting.  Bill and Bruce will work on this Assignment.

  • Executive Session
Motion to go into executive session made by Evan, seconded by Bill to discuss property acquisitions.
A motion was made by Evan, seconded to come out of Executive Session at 11:34am.
A vote was taken to continue negotiations/letter of intent with the property owner re acquisition.

  • Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Bill, seconded by Peter Cable at 11:35am

Sarah Michaelson
Open Space Clerk